Thursday, March 13, 2008

light sketch series 1

Gatewood Stairwell (2nd floor)

Light changes throughout the day

-In the morning (around 9am), the light is very soft and diffused and doesn’t cast any crisp shadows or light in the space.

-In the afternoon (between 12 and 2pm), light comes in the window and through the spaces in between the railing, creating spaces of light and shadow. The light from the window is cast on the floor and the wall during this time.

-In the late afternoon (around 5pm), light is cast far into the space spreading into the hallway of the building.

10:00 AM

2:00 PM

3:00 PM

5:00 PM

Light changes throughout the seasons

-As the season changes from winter to spring, the light reaches further into the space. A picture taken at 2pm in January and one taken at 2pm in March show this difference in how light changes through the seasons.

Feb 18

Feb 25

Mar 3

Activities, Textures, Light and Shadow

-The space is used mostly for passage from one floor to the next. Occasionally, someone will take a phone call into the space and look out the window while on the phone. Also, some students sit on the stairs or landing and draw what they see, perhaps for a class.

-The texture in the space consists mostly of a smooth, unpolished concrete on the wall, floor, and treads of the stairs. Also in the space is painted metal of the railing and stair risers.

-The space has a monochromatic color scheme of dark and light grays with a hint of red from the sprinkler system fixtures.

-The play of light and shadow on the floor and wall from the railing creates an interesting visual aspect in a somewhat uninteresting space. The large window allows for much natural light to come into the space and makes in seem like a very open space. In the late afternoon, when the sunlight creeps into the hallway on the floor, it seems to draw you into the stairwell from the hall, or lead you out into the hall from the stair well.

-The space has a very different feel on a cloudy or raining day when the daylight is diffused.

Overcast 2:30 PM

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